Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: IJC Seeks Public Input on the Canadian and US Governments' 2022 Progress Report of the Parties


This public input opportunity closed on December 23, 2022. The feedback received will be considered by the IJC to inform its 2023 Triennial Assessment of Progress (TAP) Report. The TAP report is currently under development.


As part of its responsibilities under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the International Joint Commission (IJC) seeks public input on the Canadian and US governments' 2022 Progress Report of the Parties (PROP).

For more about why the IJC gathers public input on this government report, scroll through the below presentation.

For an overview of the PROP by lake basin, check out these presentations:

Lake Superior; Lake Michigan; Lake Huron; Lake Erie; Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River; Great Lakes basinwide

Methods to participate

To provide your input you can complete the online survey, participate in a webinar, provide written comment, and/or attend the IJC's hybrid public meeting.

Before submitting your comments, please review the IJC's Privacy Policy pertaining to public submissions. Ensure that your name and contact information are included in your document. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.

Online survey

A survey was available to provide your input on the governments' 2022 PROP and the water quality in your Great Lake. You can provide general comments or comments on specific government programs. Completing the survey should take 15 minutes. The survey is now closed.

Public meeting September 28, Niagara Falls, ON

In the evening of September 28, the IJC hosted a hybrid public meeting at the Niagara Falls Convention Centre. A recording of the event can be viewed here:

Fall 2022 Webinars

In the fall of 2022, the IJC will host a series of public webinars to receive public comment. Links to register for these webinars are below:

Submit written comment

Canadian section US section

Attn: International Joint Commission - 2022 PROP Input

Canadian Section Office
234 Laurier Avenue West, 22nd Floor 
Ottawa ON K1P 6K6

Attn: International Joint Commission - 2022 PROP Input

US Section Office
1717 H Street NW, Suite 835
Washington DC 20006
United States


How your comments will be used

At the end of the public comment period, comments received will be published on the IJC’s website and may be incorporated into or appended to the IJC's forthcoming 2023 Triennial Assessment of Progress Report on Great Lakes Water Quality. Please note that your email address and/or mailing address will not be published, but your name, location and/or affiliation will be published.

The feedback received will be considered by the IJC to inform its 2023 Triennial Assessment of Progress Report.