The Council of Great Lakes Research Managers (referred to herein as "Council") functions under the authority of the International Joint Commission (referred to herein as "Commission" and established under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909) to assist the Commission in discharging its responsibilities under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 (referred to herein as "GLWQA").
The general objective of the Council is to enhance the ability of the Commission to provide effective leadership, guidance, support and evaluation of Great Lakes research programs with particular reference to programs required or funded pursuant to the provisions of GLWQA.
In pursuing the general objective in Section 2, the Council may:
- Promote communications, cooperation, collaboration and coordination between researchers, agencies and Parties in addressing IJC priorities. Specifically the Council will encourage the promotion of interjurisdictional and interdisciplinary planning and coordination of research related to the implementation of the GLWQA.
- Encourage preparation and dissemination of syntheses of research findings to government and non-government bodies concerned with Great Lakes management through the systematic reporting of results through common planning and reporting mechanisms; and bring policy implications of the aforementioned findings to the attention of the recipients.
- Compile and summarize current and planned research programs related to the implementation of the GLWQA; assess the adequacy of the Parties research programs relating to the GLWQA and Annex 17; and promote the transfer of research findings to basin policymakers, resource managers and the public.
- Identify research needs; establish priorities and identify gaps and encourage the Parties to make the maximum effort to shift funding towards directly relevant studies to the GLWQA's purpose.
- Keep under review the impact of research recommendations made by itself, the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, the Great Lakes Water Quality Board and the Commission.
The members of the Council:
- will be composed of persons responsible for research programs related to the implementation of the GLWQA and, in addition, two members of the SAB to be designated by that body;
- may be nominated by the Council and others for consideration by the Council Co-chairs, who will then submit nominations to the Commission for consideration and appointment by the Commission;
- will serve at the pleasure of the Commission, but will usually be appointed to three-year terms, staggered so as to provide continuity;
- shall, as will members of the Council working groups, serve in a personal and professional capacity and not as representatives of their employers or organizations; and
- may be selected to chair working groups of the Council.
The Council:
- may make rules for the convening of meetings which shall be held at least once every six months;
- shall provide for attendance at meetings of any observers requesting to attend and who represent federal, provincial, state or international authorities and agencies as well as industrial, educational or other non-governmental bodies;
- shall encourage and invite attendance at the Council meetings of members of the SAB, the WQB and other Commission institutions, as appropriate;
- shall participate in the Commission's biennial priorities setting process and shall submit for Commission approval its work plans and budgetary proposals, including proposals for public involvement where appropriate;
- shall participate as appropriate in task forces and other institutions established by the Commission; and
- may, with the approval of the Commission, establish or modify such working groups (made up of Council members and others) it deems necessary to discharge its responsibilities effectively.
The Council Co-chairs:
- will be appointed by the Commission and shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission;
- shall be joint Chairpersons of the Council and shall assume an active role in maintaining liaison between the Council and the Commission and between the Council, the SAB and the WQB, the International Air Quality Advisory Board and other Commission institutions;
- shall serve on the SAB Executive Committee.
The Council shall report to the Commission:
- at least annually on all its activities; and
- periodically, with respect to specific functions set forth in Section 3, on its own initiative or if requested by the Commission.
The Secretariat of the Council will be maintained at the Commission's Great Lakes Regional Office and all pertinent records and supporting documents shall be maintained at that office.
These Terms of Reference will come into force upon approval by the Commission.
Approved by the Commission October 23, 1996