Dr. John Lawrence
(Canadian Co-Chair)
Branch Director
Aquatic Ecosystem Management Research Br.
National Water Research Institute
Canada Centre for Inland Waters
Environment Canada
867 Lakeshore Road P.O. 5050
Burlington, ON L7R 4A6
Phone: 905-336-4913
Fax: 905-336-6430
Email: J.Lawrence@ec.gc.ca
Dr. Ian Campbell
Integrated Natural Resources Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
1341 Baseline Road Tower 4, Floor 5, Room 243 Ottawa, ON K1A 0C5
Phone: 613-730-6658
Email: IanD.Campbell@agr.gc.ca
Mr. Timothy Fletcher
Water Quality Standards
Ministry of Environment
Standards Development Branch
40 St. Clair Ave. West, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1M2
Phone: 416-327-5002
Email: Tim.Fletcher@Ontario.ca
Dr. Brian A. Grantham
Aquatic Research Aquatic Research and Development Section
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
DNA Building, Trent University
2140 East Bank Dr. P.O. Box 4800
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8
Phone: 705-755-2017
Email: Brian.Grantham@ontario.ca
Dr. Yves Michaud
Geoscience Manager
Natural Resources Canada – GSC
Quebec 490 De la Couronne Street, 3rd Floor, Room 3301
Quebec, PQ G1K 9A9
Phone: (418) 654-2673 or (418) 654-2615
Email: Yves.Michaude@RNCan-NRCan.gc.ca
Professor Harvey Shear
Department of Geography
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
North Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Phone: 905-569-4382
Email: harvey.shear@utoronto.ca
Mr. Jan Miller
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Great Lakes & Ohio River Division
111 North Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60606-7205
Phone: 312-353-6354
Fax: 312-353-3138
Email: jan.a.miller@usace.army.mil
Mr. Norm Granneman
U.S. Co-chair
Great Lakes Program Coordinator USGS
Michigan Water Science Center
6520 Mercantile Way
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: 517-887-8936
Fax: 517-887-8937
Email: nggranne@usgs.gov
Dr. Gregory L. Boyer
Great Lakes Research Consortium
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science & Forestry
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315-470-685
Fax: 315-470-6855
Email: glboyer@esf.edu
Dr. Marie Colton
Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
4840 S. State Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719
Phone: 734-741-2244
Fax: 734-741-2003
Email: Marie.Colton@noaa.gov
Dr. Joseph DePinto
Limno-Tech, Inc.
501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-332-1200
Fax: 734-332-1212
Email: jdepinto@limno.com
Dr. Christopher Thomas De Rosa
Chief Operating Officer
Alliance for Public Health and Associates, Inc.
5305 Burdock Creek
Acworth, GA 30301
Phone: 770-424-3123
Email: ctderosa1@yahoo.com
Dr. Val Klump
Great Lakes Water Institute
School of Freshwater Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Phone: 414-382-1700
Fax: 414-382-1705
Email: vklump@uwm.edu
Dr. Carl Richards
Mid-Continent Ecology Division
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
6201 Congdon Blvd.
Duluth, MN 55804-2595
Phone : (218) 529-5010
Fax : (218) 529-5003
Email: richards.carl@epa.gov
Mr. Paul Horvatin
Senior Advisor
77 West Jackson Street
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-353-3612
Fax: 312-886-2403
Email: horvatin.paul@epa.gov