Everyone loves a big, summer blockbuster. A cool, dark theater and a fresh bag of popcorn are a great escape from the summer heat. The International Joint Commission has its own big release coming this fall: the 2023 Triennial Assessment of Progress, aka the TAP.
We will be rolling out the 2023 TAP report in a bilingual public webinar event, including a brief presentation of the report and its recommendations. There also will be an opportunity for audience questions. Offered with live simultaneous English and French translation, you will be able to participate in the language of your choice.
As you may know, under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA), the Canadian and United States governments (the Parties) work to restore, protect and enhance the water quality of the Great Lakes.
The GLWQA outlines nine general and specific objectives for Great Lakes water quality, which the Parties work toward achieving through a variety of domestic programs. Produced by the IJC every three years, the TAP report documents progress toward achieving those objectives and provides recommendations to the Parties.
The upcoming TAP report examines the Parties' achievements between 2020 and 2022. You can check out our 2017 and 2020 reports as well, but we promise the 2023 TAP report will still make sense if you haven’t seen the prequels.
Working with its advisory boards on Great Lakes water quality policy, science and health issues, the IJC reviews the Parties’ most recent Progress Report of the Parties as well as their State of the Great Lakes Report and assesses the extent to which government programs are achieving GLWQA objectives. The IJC also considers public feedback. You may have joined us for our hybrid public meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario, in September 2022, or attended one of our virtual public input sessions on each of the Great Lakes.

Commissioners hear public input during the September 2022 public meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Credit: IJC.
To help offer more perspective and engagement about the report, we’re also releasing a special edition of Shared Waters in November – a double feature on the 2023 TAP report and the International Watersheds Initiative’s (IWI) 25th Anniversary report.
Do you want to know more about the forthcoming IWI showcase report? Curious about public input from our 2022 TAP engagement sessions? Consider this your behind-the-scenes peek.
Get your popcorn ready and stay tuned to IJC.org for upcoming information about our blockbuster reporting this fall.

Rachel Wyatt is the communications officer at the IJC’s Great Lakes Regional Office.