Commission appoints local members to Osoyoos Lake Board


The International Joint Commission (IJC) is pleased to announce that it has appointed two U.S. and two Canadian residents of the Osoyoos Lake region to its International Osoyoos Lake Board of Control.

"The IJC strongly believes that the people who live and work in the watershed need to be at the table, particularly the Osoyoos Lake watershed where we are considering multiple uses, including irrigation needs, shoreline protection and impacts to fisheries," said Canadian Commissioner Richard Morgan. 

"We are especially pleased to have four strong local members who bring a great deal of knowledge of the communities on Osoyoos Lake and the issues that affect them," said U.S. Commissioner Rich Moy.

Mr. John Arterburn has worked for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Fish and Wildlife Department for 14 years. During this time he has been a strong advocate for the fish resources in the Okanogan River Basin. His work as the principal investigator for the Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program means he is in constant contact with the latest information regarding changes in the flows, habitat and fish. 

Mr. Ford Waterstrat of Oroville, Washington, has been a resident of Osoyoos Lake for 60 years. As president of the Lake Osoyoos Association, he has endeavored to improve the quality of water in the lake. His efforts to manage aquatic invasive plants include securing two grants from the State of Washington totaling $50,000 to survey the lake for aquatic invasive plants and write a comprehensive plan, as well as to treat the lake for Milfoil.

Her Worship Sue McKortoff, mayor of the Town of Osoyoos, British Columbia, is a lakeshore resident who brings extensive knowledge of the issues and interests of the community with regard to the management of Osoyoos Lake. Mayor McKortoff is also connected to regional levels of government and planning in the Okanagan basin through her positions on the Board of the Okaganan-Similkameen Regional District and the Board of Directors for the Okanagan Basin Water Board. 

Dr. Anna Warwick-Sears, executive director of the Okanagan Basin Water Board has a doctorate in biology and significant experience in directing water management activities and studies in the Okanagan Basin. The mandate of the Okanagan Basin Water Board includes Osoyoos Lake.

The International Osoyoos Lake Board of Control (Board) was established by the IJC in September 1946 to ensure the implementation of the provisions of its Order relative to the alteration and operation of Zosel Dam on the outlet of Osoyoos Lake. For more information, visit the board’s website at:

The International Joint Commission was established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to help the governments of Canada and the United States prevent and resolve disputes over the use of the waters they share. More information is available at


Nick Heisler                        Ottawa                613-992-8367          

Frank Bevacqua                Washington        202-736-9024