Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee will undertake the monitoring, modeling and assessment needed to support ongoing evaluation of the regulation of water levels and flows. The GLAM Committee will report to the Lake Superior Board of Control, Niagara Board of Control and Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board.
The report of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Task Team provided the basis for the GLAM Committee. Knowledge gained during the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study (2000-2006) and International Upper Great Lakes Study (2007-2012) will be updated and used by the GLAM Committee to provide ongoing information on how the regulation of water levels and flows affects socio-economic interests and the environment. As more is learned and as conditions change over time, this information will help determine whether changes to regulation should be considered.
Phase 2 of the Plan 2014 Expedited Review
Phase 2 of the Expedited Review is underway. It looks at how Plan 2014 addresses extreme high and low water levels over the longer term.
Workshop unites Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee and its Public Advisory Group
A workshop on October 4-5, 2023, in Cornwall, Ontario, brought together the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee and its Public Advisory Group (PAG). After three years of meeting virtually, the workshop was the first in-person gathering of PAG members.