News Releases
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The Great Lakes -St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee (GLAM Comittee) released earlier this year a water level impacts questionnaire for 2022 and 2023 to seek input from residents along the Great Lakes and the St. Lawerence River who have been impacted by high or low water levels in 2022...
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News Release
The International Joint Commission (IJC)’s Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee has begun work on the second phase of an expedited review of the binational regulation plan for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, known formally as Plan 2014 (Plan). This is the plan...
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News Release
2017 was a challenging year for property owners and businesses located along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. An extremely wet spring led to record high water levels on St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario, which resulted in flood and erosion damage to a number of shoreline...
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News Release