Previous Questionnaire Results

Photo of high water levels

The GLAM Committee’s first on-line questionnaire was made available for Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shoreline property owners following the high water levels of 2017. Since 2019, the questionnaire was expanded to cover all the Great Lakes. The results from Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River were presented in the following documents:

Results from 2017 Questionnaire

Results from 2019 Questionnaire

As part of its report on the 2017 high water conditions on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, the GLAM Committee identified the need to gather additional impact data related to marina and yacht clubs as well as to municipal and industrial water users. LURA Consulting was retained to develop and implement a targeted questionnaire on behalf of the GLAM Committee for members of those two sectors. The executive summaries and final reports for those two efforts are available.

  1. Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River marina and yacht club questionnaire on 2017 high water impacts:
  2. Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River municipal and industrial water user questionnaire on 2017 high water impacts: