IJC invites comment on the Governments’ Progress Report under the Canada-US Air Quality Agreement
The International Joint Commission (IJC) invites public comment on the U.S. and Canadian governments' 2016 Progress Report under the Canada-United States 1991 Air Quality Agreement.
The report describes progress by Canada and the United States to reduce transboundary air pollution. It summarizes key actions undertaken by Canada and the US in the last two years to address transboundary air pollution within the context of the Agreement, as required under Article VIII. The report also presents progress made toward meeting the commitments established in the Acid Rain and Ozone Annexes of the Agreement, and key scientific and technical trends related to air pollution.
Under the Agreement, the governments established a bilateral Air Quality Committee which reports on progress under the Agreement every two years. The Governments assigned the IJC the responsibility of inviting comments on each progress report of the Air Quality Committee and providing a synthesis of comments to the governments of Canada and the United States to assist them with implementing the Agreement. This is the 13th biennial report prepared by the Canada-United States Air Quality Committee.
The IJC invites you to send comments on the latest 2016 report until August 8, 2018, using one of the following methods:
- Online: https://www.participateijc.org/2016-Air-Quality
- Email: AirQuality@ottawa.ijc.org
- Mail at:
Canadian Section
Secretary, Canadian Section
International Joint Commission
234 Laurier Avenue West, 22nd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6K6
United States Section
Secretary, United States Section
International Joint Commission
1717 H Street NW, Suite 801
Washington, DC 20006
Sarah Lobrichon
Frank Bevacqua