News Releases

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Maximum Kootenay Lake Levels This fall, Kootenay Lake levels have been in compliance with the International Joint Commission (IJC) Order of Approval , which sets the maximum allowed water level. During the late summer, the IJC maximum water level was 1743.32 feet (531.36 meters) at Nelson, British...
Due to low snowfall throughout the winter of 2023/2024, Kootenay Lake water levels are very low for this time of year. However, lake level operations remain in compliance with the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) 1938 Order of Approval. The Kootenay Lake water level on August 19 is the lowest...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control (IKLBC) is expanding its membership to increase local expertise and include Indigenous knowledge. The board is requesting letters of interest to fill a Canadian Public Member position. The board was established in 1938 by the International Joint...
Kootenay Lake operations have complied with the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) 1938 Order of Approval through the spring and summer, with the lake level peak occurring in early June and then decreasing to current levels. Inflows to Kootenay Lake peaked on May 17. The lake reached its 2024...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC, has determined that “the commencement of the spring rise,” for purposes defined in the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake, occurred at 00:00 PDT on April 16, 2024. The maximum allowable level...
Following the release of the BC River Forecast Centre’s April 1 Snow and Water Supply bulletin, the International Kootenay Lake Board of Control (IKLBC) is able to provide an update on the late winter and early spring hydrological conditions in the Kootenay Lake watershed. Through the first three...
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 6:30-8 p.m. (PDT) The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control will hold its annual public meeting at the Best Western Kootenai River Inn, located at 7196 Plaza St. in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, from 6:30-8 p.m. (PDT) Wednesday, May 22. There also will be an option to...
On September 1, 2023, the International Joint Commission (IJC) Rule Curve for Kootenay Lake level switched to using the Queens Bay gauge at elevation 1745.32 feet for compliance measurements. The Rule Curve lowers prior to September 1 to allow farmers in the Kootenai Flats region to work their...
A new web-based tool provides information to better understand the complexities, competing interests and physical limitations in the management of Kootenay Lake’s water levels. You can access the Kootenay Lake Visualization Tool on the International Kootenay Lake Board of Control (IKLBC) website at...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control is informing the public that Kootenay Lake inflows peaked on May 18 th and have decreased through the late spring and early summer, reaching current, near-historic low flows. On June 25, Kootenay Lake at Nelson dropped below 1743.32 feet (531.36...
Following above-normal temperatures in May and below-average snowpacks in the Kootenay basin, inflows to Kootenay Lake peaked on May 18. The peak was 84,400 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2,390 cubic meters per second (cms). As of June 5, lake inflows were at 30,600 cfs (866.5 cms) and are trending...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC on Corra Linn Dam operations, has determined that “the commencement of the spring rise” for purposes defined in the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake occurred at 00:00 PDT on April 30, 2023...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control is releasing an Information Paper which includes information about Kootenay Lake to support potential future research. The paper was used to inform the board’s decision of whether to recommend an International Joint Commission (IJC) review of its 1938...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control will hold its annual public meeting at the Best Western Kootenai River Inn Casino in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, at 7:00 p.m. (PDT) on October 5. There will also be the option to participate virtually.
The end of the freshet in the Kootenay Lake basin occurred August 6, when the lake level at the Nelson gauge dropped below 1,743.32 feet or 531.36 meters (Figure 1). The rule curve for Kootenay Lake as outlined in the International Joint Commission (IJC) 1938 Order of Approval will now be measured...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC on Corra Linn Dam operations, has determined "the commencement of the spring rise," for purposes defined in paragraph 2, (6) of the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake, occurred at 00:00 PDT on...
Following multiple atmospheric river events in November, during which Southern BC and Washington State were subjected to periods of heavy precipitation, Kootenay Lake levels rose rapidly from below-normal to historical maximum levels for the autumn season. As a result, the elevation of Kootenay Lake...
Kootenay Lake levels have risen rapidly following heavy sustained rainfall and rising temperatures from the Category 5 atmospheric river which hit southern BC and Washington State last week. Increased discharge in the Duncan and Kootena(i) Rivers (Figure 1), along with smaller tributaries, resulted...
​​​​​​​The current level of Kootenay Lake is at its lowest level for mid-August since Water Survey of Canada (WSC) records began in 1928.
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC (re. Corra Linn Dam operations), has determined "the commencement of the spring rise" for purposes defined in Paragraph 2, (6) of the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake, will occur at 00:00 PDT...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control annual public meeting regarding the regulation of Kootenay Lake and the operation of Corra Linn Dam under the International Joint Commission’s Orders of Approval is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6th.
After a season of above average snowpack in the Kootenay Basin, inflows to Kootenay Lake peaked on May 31 at 114,600 cfs (3,240 cms). As of June 7, lake inflows were at 42,000 cfs (1,200 cms) and dropping. With decreasing inflows, Kootenay Lake level, as measured at Queens Bay, crested on June 4 at...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC (re. Corra Linn Dam operations), has determined "the commencement of the spring rise" for purposes defined in Paragraph 2, (6) of the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake, will occur at 00:00 PDT...
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control annual public meeting regarding the regulation of Kootenay Lake and the operation of Corra Linn Dam under the International Joint Commission’s Orders of Approval is scheduled for September 19 th. The Board will present information on Kootenay Lake...