External Links and References

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External Links


  1. International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board. Observed Conditions and Regulated Outflows in 2017. Report to the International Joint Commission. 25 May 2018. 51 pages. https://legacyfiles.ijc.org/tinymce/uploaded/ISLRBC/ILOSLRB_SummaryReport.pdf. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  2.  https://ijc.org/en/loslrb. Website of the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  3.  https://ijc.org/en/glam. Website of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  4. https://ijc.org/en/loslrb/library/modules. Website of the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board. Learning Modules. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses-Saunders_Power_Dam. Wikipedia page for the Moses-Saunders Power Dam. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornwall,_Ontario. Wikipedia page for City of Cornwall, Ontario. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Villages. Wikipedia page for the Lost Villages. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Canada_Village. Wikipedia page for Upper Canada Village. Retrieved 4 April 2019.
  9. https://www.riverinstitute.ca/. Website of the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences. Retrieved 4 April 2019.