• Map of Great Lakes Diversions

    Great Lakes Diversions

    The major diversions in the Great Lakes basin that affect water levels are diversions into Lake Superior at Long Lac and Ogoki, the Chicago diversion out of Lake Michigan and a diversion between lakes Erie and Ontario through the Welland Canal.

  • Map of Great Lakes Diversions

    Great Lakes Diversions

    The major diversions in the Great Lakes basin that affect water levels are diversions into Lake Superior at Long Lac and Ogoki, the Chicago diversion out of Lake Michigan and a diversion between lakes Erie and Ontario through the Welland Canal.

  • Image of St. Marys River Control Structures
  • Image of St. Marys River Control Structures

International Lake Superior Board of Control

The International Lake Superior Board of Control is responsible for regulating the outflow of Lake Superior and managing the control works on the St. Marys River.

About the Board