St. John River

St. John River

An Application by the 1New Brunswick Electric Power for approval to construct a dam and power facilities on the Saint John River at Grand Falls, New Brunswick.

An Application by the Saint John River Power Company for the hydro-electric development of Grand Falls, New Brunswick on the Saint John River.
An Application by the Madawaska Company requesting payment for damages from the operation of Grand Falls Dam on the Saint John River.
An Application by Jean Lariviere for approval to construct a private small dam on Little Saint John Lake to obtain power for mill operations.
A Reference to examine into and report on the extent, causes and location of pollution in boundary waters and to recommend possible remedies or means of preventing the pollution of these waters.
A Reference to study resources of the Saint John River above Grand Falls and recommend projects for the conservation and regulation of the waters. On July 7, 1952, the reference was amended to cover the river downstream to tidewater near Fredericton, New Brunswick.
A Reference to study and report on what activities need to be taken by the United States and Canada for protecting and improving water quality in the Saint John River.