
Board publications include reports, fact sheets, infographics, and presentations. Contractor reports are documents created on behalf of, or in coordination with, the IJC or its boards. Government reports are documents developed by US or Canadian local/provincial/state/federal government that are of interest to the IJC or board.

Displaying 1 - 50 of 87.

This report summarizes the Indigenous Nations Roundtable held Jan. 16-17, 2023 organized by the International Red River Watershed Board and the International Joint Commission.
The following brochure by the International Red River Watershed Board showcases the Board's role and mandate and highlights examples of the Board's current work. Low resolution | Medium resolution | High resolution (for printing) Helping prevent and resolve transboundary disputes by providing advice...
This report represents a peer review of the RESPEC report (2016 report: The development of a Stressor Response Model for the Red River of the North, referred to in this document as the “report” for brevity), with specific attention to concerns raised by the Minnesota municipalities (Letter of July...
In its November 2000 report, Living with the Red, (IJC, 2000) the International Joint Commission (IJC) made a number of recommendations to governments aimed at reducing, mitigating, and preventing harm from future flooding in the Red River basin. In 2016 the IRRB concluded that a final examination...
The Poplar River Power Station completed its thirty-first full year of operation in 2015. Between January 1 and December 31, Poplar River Power Station generated 4,305,277 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity. During this time approximately 3,258,964 tonnes of coal and 3,206 m 3 of fuel oil were...
The International Red River Board (IRRB), a board of the International Joint Commission (IJC), identified excess nutrients as one of the greatest issues in the Red River of the North because of its impact on the ecological conditions in the Red River itself and its significant contribution to hyper...
The development of a basin-wide plan for the management of nutrients within the shared international Red River watershed was agreed to as part of recent Four-Party discussions between the federal governments of the United States and Canada, the State government of North Dakota, and the Provincial...