International St. Croix River Watershed Board to Host Virtual Public Meeting - March 6
The International St. Croix River Watershed Board invites you to attend a virtual public meeting with the Board on March 6th at 6 pm EST (7 pm AST).
The meeting is an opportunity to learn about the Board and to ask questions or raise concerns about water resource issues in the St. Croix River watershed. Board Co-Chairs and Board Members look forward to your feedback at the meeting.
The meeting will include an overview of river flows in 2023-2024, a presentation by NB Power on the Milltown Dam removal, an update on sea-run fish returns to the river and plans for sea-run fish passage at Woodland and Grand Falls Dams, along with time for questions and comments from the public.
To participate in this virtual meeting please register (once you register you will receive an email with login information). Participation is free.
All are welcome! Please circulate this invitation to others who may be interested.
The International St. Croix River Watershed Board helps to prevent and resolve disputes over the boundary waters of the St. Croix River, monitors the ecological health of these waters and ensures that four dams comply with the Commission’s Orders of Approval. The Board seeks to involve local stakeholders in resolving local problems.
More information on the board is available at
Barbara Blumeris, USACE, U.S. Section Board Secretary:
Daniel Ferreira, ECCC, Canadian Section Board Secretary:
Decommissioning of Milltown Generating Station on the St. Croix River, July 2023. Credit: Daniel Ferreira, ISCRWB