International Souris River Board to Hold Public Meeting
The International Souris River Board (ISRB) will hold a public meeting on June 14, 2022 from 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm CDT in the King Edward Room, Souris Hotel in Souris, MB. There is opportunity to tour nearby restoration activities during the day on June 14 prior to the public meeting in the evening. The public is also invited to attend the Board meeting in the same hotel from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm CDT on June 15, 2022.The ISRB assists the International Joint Commission in preventing and resolving disputes relating to the transboundary waters of the Souris River Basin.
The Board meeting is open to the public and will provide the general public with an opportunity to learn and discuss about current issues affecting the Souris River Basin such as drought, flooding, water quality, ecosystem health, and the apportionment of water between Canada and the United States.
Nicole Armstrong, Canadian Co-Chair 204-945-3991
Girma Sahlu, Canadian Co-Secretary 306-737-3002