The following article is from an archived newsletter. See our Shared Waters newsletter.

Watermarks: Swimming Surprise, Fishing Legacy

Jeff Kart
Watermarks - Patty Troy

In our travels to assess progress under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, we’ve met many interesting people. They have stories to tell about personal connections to the lakes … and its rivers, too.

Patty Troy starts out this month’s series of Watermarks. Troy tells of growing up along the St. Clair River, and memories of jumping off a pipe into the water. She didn’t find out until later that it was an outfall for combined sewer overflows.

The IJC is collecting video (and written) Watermarks as part of a project with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper.

In other Watermarks this month, Bob Dunn offers thoughts on Lake Huron and paints a grim picture of deteriorating conditions.

More upbeat is Candace Day Neveau, whose family has fished Lake Superior for generations. She looks forward to the day her son Maquinna takes over the family business.

You can find these and other Watermarks in our Great Lakes Connection archive, and submit yours here.


Jeff Kart

Jeff Kart is executive editor of the Shared Waters IJC newsletter and a contractor to the US Section of the International Joint Commission in Washington, D.C.

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