
Board publications include reports, fact sheets, infographics, and presentations. Contractor reports are documents created on behalf of, or in coordination with, the IJC or its boards. Government reports are documents developed by US or Canadian local/provincial/state/federal government that are of interest to the IJC or board.

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42.

The Great Lakes Water Quality Board completed its fourth Great Lakes Regional Poll in 2024. The 2024 Great Lakes Regional Poll results provide a snapshot of Great Lakes residents' views on topics including: the importance to protect the Great Lakes environmental health and water quality, and...
2023 Phase 1 "On the Great Lakes Horizon" report : The IJC Great Lakes Water Quality Board, with a team of consultants, produced a report that collected and analyzed ecological, economic, social, political, demographic, technological and cultural data to identify key drivers and trends expected to...
For more about the Great Lakes Horizons Project visit: and to play "Choosing Your Great Lakes Future" visit
2023 Consultant Report and Summary Letter In 2021, the IJC’s Water Quality Board launched the Manure Nutrient Management Collaborative (Collaborative) with representatives from agriculture, conservation, business, environmental science and government leaders, working toward protection of water...
About Water Quality Board Watching Briefs The Great Lakes Water Quality Board (WQB) develops watching briefs for the purpose of summarizing significant developments, events and information in a factual manner on specific, defined topic areas. They are periodically updated and serve to keep the WQB...
In 2021 the WQB produced a report (updated August 2023) on the topic of decommissioning nuclear power plants in the Great Lakes basin, which identified potential opportunities in the decommissioning process to reduce threats to the Great Lakes environment. The WQB recommends binational alignment of...
Reports The Great Lakes Water Quality Board completed its third Great Lakes Regional Poll in 2021. The 2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll results provide a snapshot of Great Lakes residents' views on topics including: the importance to protect the Great Lakes environmental health and water quality, and...
The purpose of this document is to compile unbiased background information about nuclear energy production, the nuclear regulators, the decommissioning process, radioactive waste management, and status of the nuclear power facilities in the Great Lakes basin. The background report is also...
In January 2017 the WQB produced a Climate Change and Adaption in the Great Lakes project summary that focused on the need for coordinated binational action in developing a climate adaption and resiliency strategy for the Great Lakes. The WQB undertook follow-up work to explore ways to advance...
A report by the Great Lakes Water Quality Board that presents the key findings of a poll conducted in 2018 of U.S. and Canadian citizens in the Great Lakes basin related to Great Lakes Water Quality. The poll was the second conducted by the WQB and follows the first poll which was completed in 2015.
This report presents the recommendations of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board on the topic of how watershed management plans should be used to manage nutrient pollution in Lake Erie. The implementation of effective watershed management plans is an important tool in a holistic approach to reducing...
Oraclepoll Research Limited was commissioned by the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) Great Lakes Water Quality Board (WQB) to conduct a telephone survey of residents living in the Great Lakes basin catchment area. The survey was intended to establish baseline data across an array of...
This report provides the recommendations of the Water Quality Board's Legacy Issues Work Group, with regard to the development of a strategy by the governments of Canada and the United States to address polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Great Lakes.
The report provides advice and recommendations of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board to the International Joint Commission on the implications and impacts of climate change on Great Lakes water quality and beneficial uses, and how address such changes.
In late 1999, the International Joint Commission asked its Great Lakes Water Quality Board to assess progress made under the Strategy and the contribution of the Strategy toward achievement of the Agreement's virtual elimination goal. To carry out this charge, the Board convened a Progress Review...
As part of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission charge to assess habitat alterations and recommend mitigative strategies to address concerns for aquaculture in the Great Lakes basin, a roundtable discussion of water quality impacts of Great lakes aquaculture was held on January 27-28, 1999 in...
The International Joint Commission identified contaminated sediment as a program priority. The IJC assigned this priority to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board with the support of the Science Advisory Board and the Council of Research Managers. The Sediment Priority Action Committee was formed from...
On October 22, 1997, the Great Lakes Water Quality Board (WQB) of the International Joint Commission (IJC) convened a public meeting in Thunder Bay, Ontario to provide key Lake Superior stakeholders an opportunity to interact with Board members on a timely issue. Approximately 50 people participated...
Contaminated sediment is a major problem and well recognized in remedial action plans (RAPs) and lakewide management plans (LaMPs). In an effort to communicate information in a timely fashion, three case studies on environmental benefits of sediment remediation are presented by the WQB's Sediment...
The International Joint Commission (IJC) identified "Remediation and management of sediments contaminated with persistent toxic substances" as one of its 1995-1997 program priorities. Initially, the IJC requested the Water Quality Board (WQB), with assistance from the Science Advisory Board (SAB)...
In light of the fact that the Great Lakes Water Quality Board (WQB) was the originator of RAPs, that the WQB is the principal advisor to the International Joint Commission (IJC) on water quality matters, that the WQB is charged with assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of Great Lakes programs...
Linking Local Watershed Management Efforts across the Lake Ontario Basin was the title of the 5th annual conference of the Finger Lakes-Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance (FLLOWPA) held October 18-19, 1996 in Rochester, New York. The conference also functioned as the first public meeting of...
On May 3, 1996 a Practical and Cost-Effective Watershed Management Conference was held in Livonia, Michigan. The conference attempted to move beyond theory to practice by presenting practical and cost-effective methods for implementing watershed management.
The Water Quality Board, as a participant in the development and execution of the 1993-95 Great Lakes Priorities of the International Joint Commission, had direct involvement in the pollution prevention, pulp and paper, groundwater and pesticides issues described in this chapter. In addition, the...
In November 1994 a binational workshop was convened by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada, in cooperation with the International Joint Commission and Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan), to identify practical steps that could be taken in a timely fashion to implement...