great lakes future game water quality board

Le projet Horizons Grands Lacs


Les produits sont en anglais seulement

2023 Phase 1 "On the Great Lakes Horizon" report: The IJC Great Lakes Water Quality Board, with a team of consultants, produced a report that collected and analyzed ecological, economic, social, political, demographic, technological and cultural data to identify key drivers and trends expected to influence the Great Lakes region over the next 30 years. From this, four possible scenarios for the future of the Great Lakes region were developed – rated from worst to best conditions - relative to conditions in 2023. The scenarios describe potential trajectories for the Great Lakes, as well as signposts to distinguish one trajectory from another. The report also includes six broad recommendations to work toward improving and promoting positive environmental conditions in the Great Lakes of the future.

2024 Phase 2 "Choosing Your Great Lakes Future" game: The board created the interactive scenario-based game, "Choosing Your Great Lakes Future." The purpose of this game is to educate and inspire people to consider how today’s actions will impact the Great Lakes in the future. The launched on August 29, 2024.

The board will host a public webinar on Thursday, August 29, 2024. L'enregistrement du webinaire est ci-dessous:
