Picture of Lake of the Woods, Kenora, Ontario

Watershed Board seeks public’s views on Water Quality Objectives and Aquatic Ecosystem Health Indicators


The International Joint Commission’s (IJC) Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board will be hosting two public gatherings in July focused on the development of water quality objectives and alerts and perspectives on aquatic ecosystem health.

The Board’s Aquatic Ecosystem Health Committee is leading the development of recommendations for water quality objectives and alerts to help protect aquatic ecosystem health.  In order to do this, the Board needs to determine the best indicators that reflect the health of the ecosystem.  To hear your views, the Board is hosting a few events:

  • --Public Workshop--
    Monday, July 8 from 2:30 - 4:00 pm
    Clarion Lakeside Inn, 470 1st Ave. S., Kenora, ON (immediately following the summer meeting of the Lake of the Woods District Stewardship Association)
  • -- Community Conversation--
    Monday, July 8 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm
    Clarion Lakeside Inn, 470 1st Ave. S., Kenora, ON

For further information on these meetings, please contact:

Kelli Saunders, Project Coordinator, at ksaunders@lowwsf.com or call 807-548-8002.