A Proposed Approach to Developing a Basin-Wide Nutrient Management Strategy for the International Red River Watershed


The development of a basin-wide plan for the management of nutrients within the shared international Red River watershed was agreed to as part of recent Four-Party discussions between the federal governments of the United States and Canada, the State government of North Dakota, and the Provincial government of Manitoba.

The Red River Basin Commission also recognized the need to improve basin-wide cooperation and collaboration on water quality management, in particular with respect to nutrients.  Through the support of the Red River Basin Commission, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba worked to develop a draft “Conceptual Water Quality Management Plan for the Red River Basin”.  While this draft conceptual plan has not been finalized, the major concepts including the mission, guiding principles, and some of the main objectives have been incorporated into this document reflecting the previous discussions and excellent work that had already occurred in this area. 

International Red River Board