Groupe d'étude international de la rivière Souris

The International Souris River Study Board will report to the International Joint Commission on matters raised in a reference provided by Canadian and US governments on July 5, 2017. The reference is based on the "Plan of Study: For the Review of the Operating Plan Contained in Annex A of the 1989 International Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America," which the Commission submitted to governments on June 7, 2013. (View the 1989 agreement)
In doing so, it will review operating rules, improve our understanding of flooding, and recommend potential measures to reduce risks of flooding and other water uses in the Souris River basin. Read the Work Plan.
This page is where you will hear about upcoming events, see what’s new, and learn how to share your views. Your participation can make a difference in the recommendations that the study will provide to the International Joint Commission in September 2021. The public comment period on the study's Draft Final Report closed September 7, 2021. For more details, please visit the public consultation page.
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