Draft work plan of the International Souris River Study Board

The comment period closed on March 12, 2018. Thank you for your comments.
The International Joint Commission established the International Souris River Study Board to examine and report on flooding and water supply in the Souris River basin. In doing so, it will evaluate and make recommendations on the Operating Plan of the 1989 International Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for the Souris River Basin.
The Study is being conducted over two years, with a final report to the Commission expected in 2020. A draft work plan is now available for public comment.
If you would like to comment on the draft work plan, please submit your comments before the close of the public consultation until 11:59 pm EST on March 12, 2018.
To learn more about the Study, you are invited to attend an open house on February 20 in Minot, North Dakota, or visit the Study Board website.
Final Documents