The St. Mary and Milk Rivers Study 2021-2025: Overview
The St. Mary River begins in the high elevations of Glacier National Park, on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in the state of Montana. As the river descends to the plains below it flows northeast through Amskapi Piikani (Blackfeet Nation) territory, crossing into the province of Alberta just east of the Piegan-Carway border station. It then flows northward, forming the eastern boundary of the Kainai Nation’s (Blood Tribe) lands until it joins the Oldman River near Lethbridge, Alberta. Because of its source in the mountains, the St. Mary River usually has a regular and dependable flow during the summer irrigation period ...
For more information, you can read the related Work Plan.
SMMR-Study-Overview-2022.pdf367.85 Ko
International St. Mary and Milk Rivers Study