International Watersheds Initiative Projects

The International Joint Commission’s boards in watersheds along the US-Canada border carry out International Watersheds Initiative (IWI) projects to promote communication, conduct scientific studies and contribute to the resolution of watershed issues. Projects are developed by a board and reviewed by Commission staff. All projects are consistent with the board’s mandate and meet the objectives of the IWI. Learn more about the International Watersheds Initiative.

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Project Description
The International Joint Commission has recommended to the governments of Canada and the USA adopt objectives and targets for nitrogen and phosphorus at the Red River international boundary to help address eutrophication concerns in the Red River and Lake Winnipeg. These objectives and targets, while...
Bundle name
IWI Project
Project Description
The Red River is susceptible to periods of dry conditions that have the potential to adversely impact ecological conditions and water supply. The project is aligned with International Red River Board’s work plan by improving water quantity knowledge for water quantity apportionment and Instream Flow...
Bundle name
IWI Project