News Releases

IJC and board news releases include information about outflows and expected conditions, ice boom installation and removal, new publications, and other up-to-date information about the IJC and its boards.

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IJC Content

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Windsor, Ontario, Canada: In the spirit of celebration and reflection on five decades of binational cooperation to protect, restore and enhance the Great Lakes, the International Joint Commission (IJC) offers its advice on Great Lakes water quality to the governments of the United States and Canada...
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News Release
Today, the International Joint Commission (IJC) launches its efforts to gather public feedback on the Canadian and United States governments’ latest actions to protect, restore and enhance Great Lakes water quality. The IJC is collecting public input through virtual and in-person engagement...
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A team of scientists from Canada and the United States coordinated by the International Joint Commission (IJC) has created binational datasets for the Red-Assiniboine River Basin to more precisely identify sources of phosphorus and nitrogen across the Basin.
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