David Burden to lead IJC’s Great Lakes Regional Office


The International Joint Commission is very pleased to announce that Mr. David Burden has accepted the position of Director of the Commission’s Great Lakes Regional Office and will lead the binational regional office for the next four years. In his previous role as Central and Arctic Regional Director General with the Government of Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Mr. Burden’s senior position offered him a unique opportunity to develop firsthand knowledge and managerial leadership on a broad range of issues and challenges facing the Great Lakes.

Through his involvement as the DFO point person for the renegotiation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, his leadership in the development and implementation of the Department’s Asian Carp Program and delivery of the Sea Lamprey Control program with U.S. counterparts, Dave has forged productive partnerships with key organizations in the basin.  

As an accomplished senior manager, Dave is known and respected for leading effective teams, his ability to communicate a strong vision and develop winning strategies. He has a long-time passion for the Great Lakes and extensive experience working in binational water-related forums.  

Commissioners are delighted to greet David Burden in this role effective June 4th and they look forward to working closely with him and would like to wish him much success.   


Sarah Lobrichon (bilingual)    613-992-5368             Lobrichons@ottawa.ijc.org

Frank Bevacqua                    202-736-9024             Bevacquaf@washington.ijc.org

Sally Cole-Misch                   519-257-6733             Colemischs@windsor.ijc.org