
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the newest video of the International Joint Commission, FULFILLING THE PROMISE. In our continued efforts to provide Great Lakes educational materials for students of all ages and to increase awareness of the International Joint Commission, we are making available on loan this 12 minute video for use by students, teachers and the general public.

FULFILLING THE PROMISE is the second video released by the International Joint Commission. Promises to Keep was released in 1989 to explain the development, purpose, content and implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States. As we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Agreement it is important to reflect on the progress made to date and to identify what remains to be done. This latest video provides an update on the progress made under the Agreement and looks forward to the next 25 years.

To borrow a copy of the video for a three week period or for information on other materials available on the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, contact:


Great Lakes Regional Office
Information Services
100 Ouellette Avenue, 8th Floor, Windsor, Ontario N9A 6T3 
(519)257-6734; fax (519)257-6740
P.O. Box 32869, Detroit, Michigan 48232 