Change is coming: Starting in December, the IJC will publish a single newsletter that will include articles on Great Lakes topics previously published separately in Great Lakes Connection, in addition to articles on shared waters across the Canadian-United States boundary.
The IJC’s Great Lakes Connection newsletter was launched in 2016, “dedicated to bringing readers the latest science on the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem in a clear, accurate and timely voice.”
The IJC’s original newsletter, Water Matters, was established in 2012, and has been published four times a year, covering shared waters outside the Great Lakes basin, from British Columbia and Washington state out west to New Brunswick and Maine in the east. Transboundary is the name we use for waters shared by Canada and the United States, like Osoyoos and Kootenay lakes and the St. Croix River.
Where Water Matters focused largely on work by the International Joint Commission and its boards, Great Lakes Connection also covered environmental efforts by nongovernmental organizations and universities.
The new consolidated newsletter will include articles about the Great Lakes and other watersheds in transboundary region as they relate to the IJC’s mission. Please be on the lookout for an informational release, which will provide additional information on the new newsletter. If you have recommendations for a name for this newsletter, we’d be happy to hear them!
In summary, these changes mean more content from more places, all in one newsletter.
This shift in direction comes in part because our Great Lakes water levels boards are now publishing the Tri-Board Tribune to share information and articles related to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin and provide regional updates from the IJC’s Lake Superior, Niagara and Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River boards.
Subscribers to Great Lakes Connection will automatically be subscribed to the new publication, which we plan to publish in March, June, September and December, with the potential for special editions throughout the year for busy seasons. If you wish to opt out, see the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.
As always, thanks for reading.

Jeff Kart is executive editor of the Shared Waters IJC newsletter and a contractor to the US Section of the International Joint Commission in Washington, D.C.